Friday, 3 December 2010

Sea of Change

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I love the sea, doesn't matter about the weather or time of year - i just love the sea.  It has a particular smell, sound and taste, in fact it pleases all my senses.

The other day a rogue wave caught my children unaware and they ended up wet up to the knees which caused a lot of laughter.  In the summer we paddled, swam and jumped the waves while the sun warmed our bare skin.  My favorite time to visit the sea is new years day (quite the tradition now), the wet spray and harsh waves, the stones being pushed and pulled on the shore, its incredible and i absolutely adore it.  I can stand and just look - lost in the movement of the sea - for hours, and do.

The sea is in a constant flux, it changes all the time, there is a coming and going, coming and going, its never still or permanent.  King Canute tried to rule the sea but failed and so would we.

I, like many others, am not too keen on change.  Is it really something to be afraid of tho ? Change is also momentary and not permanent.  Once the change is made its gone and so routine settles in again.  As you read this you are changing, your body and mind in constant change - i find that fascinating.

To see that fact is to remove the fear from it and that is a good thing.  Some people are afraid of the sea because of its power and ability to take life so quickly, i just believe its something to be respected and admired.  Its a thing of majesty and beauty despite the threat it can also be.

The sea is a "real" thing and always changes, just as we are "real" and always changing.  What is there to be afraid of where change is concerned ? I'm not sure i know now !!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog about change Gill. I have been feeling for quite some time that change in life is absolutely key to growth.

    There are two sayings I like about change:

    'Life is change' (I don't know who said this)

    'Those who would be constant in happiness or wisdom must often change.' Confucius.

    I think that I am a bit unusual in that I don't really fear change, but then I think that in order to welcome change it's nice to have some things that are staying the same. If everything changed at once I'm sure I would be a bit scared.
