Thursday, 23 December 2010


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This evening i am sad.

Everyone is out partying, seeing friends or sharing the Christmas season with smiles and laughter, love and joy.

I am alone : my children off to bed in a bit, their father visiting his mum and sister.  My best friends have friends of their own and my boyfriend is no longer my boyfriend.  I have no where to go, no one to see and no one is interested anyway.

Loneliness is a painful thing, isolation and depression is mates.  I have the urge to drink a lot, smoke a lot, dance a lot and then run a really really long way, to escape the four walls and the bubble that is closing in.  I see myself tonight as ugly, unlovable and not in the slightest special, i am invisible and unwanted.  I want to scream and shout, to be heard but there is no one out there to hear.

I am feeling sorry for myself - and so i shall for this evening.  Tomorrow is another day and i shall pick myself up: for my friends who want to have coffee with me, my children who want to prepare for a family Christmas, and hope that by tomorrow evening when i am alone once more the dark clouds will not descend.

I have a lot to look forward to in the new year - a new job, a new school for my son, a holiday in Yorkshire where i have always wanted to go in February and my role in Cranford which i cant wait to get my teeth into.  I will be 40 and my mum has a surprise outing for me and the summer holidays which i live for.  I will be starting to meditate more and exercise, researching Buddhism more to find my spirituality. I shall be exercising it all through my journal and with a very special friend i shall learn about the use of words and paint in my craft.  I shall get out my sewing machine and get better at that as well. 

It could be a good year - i just got to get past this little hiccup.

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